We’ve moved to Wales!
/We’ve moved to wales! It feels unreal. In part because we can’t yet move into our new house but also because we’re so used to rocking up to a new place and staying a while (then leaving) that it doesn’t feel at all permanent - maybe once we’ve lived here for a year or so.
While we wait for the house sale to complete we’re renting a small cottage in the village, there’s no room for the bus, but thankfully our seller agreed to let us park it at the new house. While we were dropping it off she invited us round for a cup of tea and some cake. The house or at least the kitchen has the same wonderful feel that it had when we first visited and the kids seemed instantly at ease. We sat around the dining table with the owner and her two daughters (who are helping her pack) who were gracious enough to give us local advice and reminisce about the good times that they have had there despite being very upset to be leaving.
The kids sat in a window alcove looking out at the snowy weather coming down and spotted a couple of the cats that we’re inheriting and were escorted outside by one of the daughters for a closer look. In the end we all took the opportunity to have a little stroll in the garden. It is stunning, even at this least flattering time of year,
but one thing is for sure we’re going to need a lot of wellies! There was so much water and so much mud, aside from realising I’m going to be spending half my life cleaning D, it was clear that we’ve acquired the wrong colour dog.
In addition to four cats and of course Goliath, The land and area is apparently full of fauna; there are currently sheep on the land, some fish carcasses indicate the presence of otters and in this cold weather they are regularly visited by wild mountain goats which come down from the hills to munch on daffodils. That’s not even talking about the local sea life which apparently include seals and dolphins. At first I took all of this with a pinch of salt but after seeing a mountain goat walking down the main street in the village the very next day complete with foot long horns, whose to say there can’t be otters in our back garden?
Since that first day’s visit to our new house we’ve stayed a respectful distance away, explored some of the nearby towns but mainly just enjoyed the village and its surroundings. Wherever you look there’s a view.
The harbour complete with sandy beach.
The currently freezing cold and more rugged western beach
Some ex-fauna
D wondering off exploring
The old miners cottages
One of our main concerns when moving to this corner of Wales is that we just don’t know anybody, how do we get ourselves involved and connected with the community? with the other villagers? Alice has threatened to turn up to Temple, I’ve volunteered to explore the pub, but so far our main success has been Goliath, he’s a great conversation starter.