Rightmove binge
/Since being back in the UK we've been on a Rightmove binge. Where do we move to?
What we know for sure is that we'll be selling our house in London and using the proceeds to move to a more cost effective area. Since more cost effective than London leaves pretty much the whole of the UK there's almost too much choice.
So to try and narrow things down a bit we've set off on another road trip to try and rule in/rule out some places.
What are we looking for?
- Picturesque
- Space
- Potential
- Community
- A residence
- Possibility to earn a decent passive(ish) income.
Again, this should be possible in many places, hopefully we'll recognise it when we see it.
Since our last UK tour, almost exactly two years ago, a lot has changed. There's five not four of us, our vehicle is less flamboyant than Major Laser,
We don't have every stop booked in (just the first) and it didn't take a week to pack (about 3hrs).