Leaving Florida
/After nearly two months in Florida, we've decided to head back to London a little earlier than planned (in 48hrs). With the pregnancy progressing with Alice's typical morning, day and evening sickness, we've decided to head back to cheaper medical care in London - Medical bills in the US are not for the faint hearted!!!!!
Unfortunately this early departure has resulted in some less desirable flights - Orlando to New York onto Iceland and finally London all in 36hrs. Ouch.
Here are a some of the highlights of our last few days in no particular order:
You frequently see Sandhill cranes wondering about, they take zero evasive action.
We set up a crafting station at Granny R's and the kids proceeded to spend hours drawing, cutting and glueing stuff - should have thought of it before.
When not in the pool there's nothing like a hose to entertain you
We went to Selby botanical gardens for their Christmas light show, it was great. They also have an awesome kids area. On the night they had free face painting and balloon sculptures.
The lights were pretty cool.